One of many old American cars lovingly maintained. Modern taxis are also available.

His hole is over a metre deep! He uses his big claw to scrape and fling sand out of his hole.

Tide pool on scraggy coast near Santiago de Cuba

High cliff is dramatic background. Lots of caverns provide homes to birds and iguanas.

Dramatic surf on a high wind day.

Bucanero Resort dining room

Lumber harvesting taken from bus window

waiting for the bus after work

Iguana high in a tree eating berries. In the sun they are lightning fast.

Countless large Iguanas live in the cliffs and come down for hand outs. They eat leaves and berries, flies and french fries.

Deep mysterious canyon behind resort

Small agricultural commune. We saw pigs, chickens, goats.

Community meeting hall in commune

Street view. Truck is open at back and full of people. We saw several buses and horse carts.

Spectacular view from top of Maestra Mountains

Flower plantation Orchid

Historical Coffee plantation building

Coffee drying yard
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