The really nice thing about not claiming to be an artist is that I don't have to take myself seriously. Here are a few attempts at making cat portraits. Watercolour is a tricky medium, I've had more success in acrylic or oil. These sketches are mostly done from life. The cards at the bottom are not from life.

CAT art WATERCOLOURLulu's Portrait
Lulu's Web Page

Acrylic sketch of Winstonportrait of grey cat
Oscar's Web PageWinston's Web Page

Yohan's Portrait.Jenny's Portrait
Johan's Web PageJenny's Web Page

Road endJenny

I took the last image of Jenny, who was birdwatching, I simplified the drawing and developped it into a design for greeting cards. Below are 3 examples.

cat card  title=cat card  title=cat card  title=
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emails: Christine

This web site reflects my personal ideas and doesn't represent anyone else's point of view.