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Plans and Kits for Catamarans and Proas and other Multihulls

Check out my page on Advantages and disadvantages of multihulls

If you're planning a boatbuilding project you might like to check my boatbuilding resources. These are articles from my website and some outside links and build diaries.

Multihull plans in no particular order

Email me if a link is broken or if I've missed a boat. I try to keep my links good but things change quickly on the web.

I try to include most plans that I run across. I only exclude the ones that seem to be dubious, some are plagiarized or some just seem to be of terrible quality, or a website that includes pop-ups or other nasty things, that I don't dare include them. I have not personally checked all plans. Before building, do your homework.

Too Much Choice

There are a great number of large cruising catamaran and other multihull plans out there. I think one of the reason is that building a large catamaran is easier than building a cruising size keelboat. Many designers feel confident that the home builder has a good chance of success in putting together quite a competent multihull.

I have not included all the large multihull plans and kits I have found, nor have I included many of the home made single effort catamarans that are out there.

I try to be accurate and check my information, but mistakes happen. ALSO keep in mind that not all boat plans are well designed. Old Banks Dories are particularly tricky because they were notoriously unsteady until they had some weight in them. Check the boat forums, many people have built dories. I have not built these boats and I can't recommend or proscribe any.

email me if you find mistakes, I'll fix them and we'll all benefit: Christine