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I have launched the little dinghy and posted a video on youtube showing her being rowed and being towed.


I build a stitch and glue pram tender for my Tanzer 22.

At the end of day 3, I have back and middle seat assembly glued. The interior of the boat has 2 coats of resin. The gunwales and knees are ready to be applied.

DAY 4 of building the Apple Pie Dinghy tender for my Tanzer 22.

Inwales installation

After a final fitting of the knees the inwales are cut to size and clamped on to check fit. So far so good.

fastening knees of apple pie tender

Two small screws are positioned to help hold the knee. It is useful while gluing and also adds strength. The boat often gets carried by its corners and these should be strong. When I finish the inside I will add a fillet as well.

inwales get glued

In order to not distort the boat it is important to keep inwales (and gunwales) on both sides even if they are not both glued. Here both inwales have been glued as have the knees.

Middle seat of apple pie tender has been cut

Middle seat has been cut and is being checked for fit. The middle seat allows a rower to move forward or backwards to balance if there is another person in boat or if a heavy load is being carried. The design calls for 2 sets of oarlocks.

middle seat is glued in

Middle seat and front seat have been glued in after being coated with epoxy and thickened epoxy. Weights hold the assembly till epoxy sets. A second coat of epoxy has been applied to the sides. I cut the front seat in 2 parts to save material. I think it would be stronger if made from only one piece. I'm not sure it's an issue here.

With the inwales in place the boat is much stiffer and has a solid feel. After 4 days most of the interior construction is done, not the finishing though! It still needs to be sanded and painted and details done but the major parts are in place.

NOTE: in hindsight I am very glad that I overbuilt the boat. I store it on its nose in a tender rack at the sailing club and I've dropped it at least once with no damage at all.

END OF DAY 4. All the seats are in place. Flotation chambers are closed. Knees and inwales are installed. Tomorrow I work on the outside.

email: Christine

This web site reflects my personal ideas and doesn't represent anyone else's point of view.